Affordable Childcare and Universal Pre-K
Kentucky parents pay too much for childcare. Skyrocketing costs are forcing families to decide between remaining in the workforce or staying home with their children. That choice too often falls on Kentucky women—over 100,000 of whom left the workforce during the COVID pandemic due to a lack of school and childcare options.
It’s time for the General Assembly to step up and use our hard-earned budget surplus to create access to high-quality childcare across the Commonwealth, including universal pre-K. Kentucky families are demanding nothing less.
Lieutenant Governor Coleman was absolutely right to declare in her inaugural address: “the time for Universal Pre-K is now.” Quality Pre-K is the best tool we have to reverse generational poverty, close education gaps, and put money back into parents’ pockets.
We have the money; all we need is the will. If you send me to Frankfort, I’ll fight every day for better, more affordable childcare for our kids. Kentuckians can’t wait any longer.