Public Education
I’m a proud graduate of Kentucky public schools. That’s where I learned to love to read, appreciate history, balance a checkbook, and write a legal brief.
I also learned how to make friends, be part of a team, and understand the value of a diverse community. Strong public schools are essential to everything we want Kentucky to be. That’s why Kentucky’s Constitution uniquely mandates the General Assembly fund public schools—and only public schools.
As your representative, I will fight to ensure that our public schools—and the teachers who lead them—are given the support they deserve. That means standing strong against Republican attempts to send our tax dollars to private schools again, again, and again.
The General Assembly should use Kentucky’s unprecedented rainy-day fund—earned after four years of record-setting economic development under Governor Beshear—to invest in our public schools, give educators a long overdue raise, and fully fund transportation for every Kentucky student.
If you send me to Frankfort, I will work every day to make that happen.